10 JavaScript Bad Practices You Should Avoid

JavaScript Best Practices That Will Totally Improve Your Code

Kuldeep Singh
Dev Genius


JavaScript is a powerful language that allows developers to add interactivity and logic to web pages.

However, with great flexibility comes the temptation to fall into bad habits that can create bugs, performance issues, and maintenance headaches.

As an experienced JS developer, I want to share 10 common anti-patterns and bad practices that you should avoid in your code.

1. Using eval()

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Theeval() function allows you to execute arbitrary JavaScript code passed in as a string.

This is dangerous and should be avoided.

// Avoid
const userInput = getUserInput();

eval()opens up your code to injection attacks and makes debugging difficult.

There are almost always better ways to evaluate code, like using a function constructor.

// Better
const userInput = getUserInput();
const func = new Function (userInput);

2. Forgetting var/let/const

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Declaring variables without a keyword like var, let or const puts them in the global namespace, causing collisions.

// Avoid
function foo() {
bar = 'hello';

// Better
function foo() {
const bar = 'hello';

Get in the habit of properly declaring variables.

3. Dumping everything in the global namespace

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Similarly, avoid defining many variables and functions in the global namespace.

This causes clashes with other scripts and libraries.

// Avoid
function foo() { ... }
const bar = 1;

// Better
const MyApp = {
foo: function() { ... },
bar: 1

Use modules or encapsulated namespaces instead.

4. Missing semicolons

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

While JavaScript inserts semicolons automatically in most cases, it can lead to subtle errors in certain edge cases.

Explicit semicolons leave no room for confusion.

// Avoid
const sample = {}
const onemoresample = {}
[sample, onemoresample].forEach(notagain => notagain.parent = 'That's final')

// Better
const sample = {};
const onemoresample = {};
[sample, onemoresample].forEach(notagain => {
notagain.parent = 'That's final';

5. Using document.write()

Photo by Romain Dancre on Unsplash

document.write() blocks page rendering and can overwrite the whole page.

Avoid it outside of very specific use cases.

// Avoid 
document.write('Some new content');

// Better
const content = document.createElement('div');
content.innerHTML = 'Some new content';

6. Abusing typeof and equality

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Be careful when comparing types and equality in JavaScript.

// Avoid
if (x == '37') {
// this checks the value only

if (typeof x == 'object') {
// typeof null is 'object'

// Better
if (x === 37) {
// use === to check both value & type

if (x !== null && typeof x === 'object') {
// check null explicitly

7. Misusing this

Photo by Jamie Templeton on Unsplash

The meaning of this varies based on context.

Avoid ambiguity by binding this or using arrow functions.

// Avoid
function logThis() {
console.log(this); // what's 'this'?

// Better
const logThis = () => {
console.log(this); // lexical 'this'

const obj = {
logThis: logThis.bind(this) // bound 'this'

8. Ignoring warnings

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Don’t ignore linter and compiler warnings.

They often catch real issues.

9. Overoptimizing

Photo by Blake Connally on Unsplash

Don’t sacrifice readability for minor performance gains without profiling.

// Unclear
const l=a.length; for(i=0;i<l;i++) { /*...*/ }

// Clearer
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
/* ... */

Only optimize where needed based on benchmarks.

10. Not handling errors

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Don’t fail silently — handle errors appropriately.

// Avoid
try {
} catch (e) {}

// Better
try {
} catch (e) {
// handle error

Proper error handling avoids hidden bugs.

While JavaScript gives you flexibility, following best practices avoids nasty issues down the road.

Always keep these bad habits in mind to become a better, more efficient JS developer.

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