10 Essential Go Packages for Modern Web Development That You Should Know

Don’t miss out on these essential tools that will take your web development skills to the next level.

Kuldeep Singh
3 min readSep 23, 2023
Photo by Chinmay B on Unsplash

Thanks to its outstanding performance, built-in concurrency, and thriving ecosystem, Go has become a leading choice for building robust, scalable web applications.

We’ll explore 10 key Go packages that will take your web development skills to the next level.

For each package, we’ll cover the use cases, key capabilities, and why it’s an important tool to master.

1. Gorilla Mux — Routing

Gorilla Mux provides a powerful HTTP request router and dispatcher for matching routes and directing requests to handler functions.

Key features include:

  1. regex route matching
  2. URL parameter extraction
  3. Middleware support
  4. Full control over the request handling path

This makes it perfect for building REST APIs, web services, and any app where routing is crucial.

2. net/http — HTTP Server

Go’s built-in net/http package provides fundamental HTTP server functionality like threading, request handling, statuses, and more.

It handles lower-level details, so you can focus on your application code.

Just register route handlers and start listening for requests. Combined with a router like Gorilla Mux, net/http provides a robust web server foundation.

3. html/template — Templating

The html/template package enables server-side template rendering, so you can build HTML views that insert dynamic data on the fly.

It offers a robust templating language comparable to tools like Jinja in Python.

This separates presentation from application code for better organization.

4. golang.org/x/crypto — Security

The golang.org/x/crypto module provides critical cryptographic and security utilities.

These include:

  1. password hashing
  2. Data encryption
  3. Random number generation
  4. TLS connection management

Security is crucial for authentication, protecting user data, and securing network traffic.

The crypto package has all the tools needed to handle these scenarios.


GORM is a powerful object-relational mapping (ORM) package that allows interacting with databases through Go code instead of SQL.

It supports commonly used databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

GORM boosts productivity by reducing time spent on manual queries and boilerplate database code.

6. go-redis — Redis Client

go-redis provides a full-featured Redis client for using Redis in your Go applications.

Redis is useful for:

  1. Caching
  2. Rate limiting
  3. pub/sub
  4. queues and more

The client handles low-level connectivity, serialization, and deserialization, giving high-level access to Redis capabilities from Go.

This improves performance and scalability.

7. golang.org/x/oauth2 — OAuth

The golang.org/x/oauth2 package handles OAuth2 flows for secure user authentication.

This enables delegated authentication via identity providers like Google, Facebook, GitHub, and more.

OAuth2 removes the need to store user credentials yourself, instead relying on trusted providers.

This improves security over custom authentication systems.

8. gorilla/websocket — WebSockets

For adding real-time capabilities, gorilla/websocket provides full-duplex WebSocket communication between clients and servers.

This enables live data streaming and messaging for apps like chat and notifications.

The package handles details like connection upgrades, reading/writing frames, and concurrency resulting in clean WebSocket integration.

9. jackc/pgx — Postgres Driver

jackc/pgx offers an efficient PostgreSQL driver with advanced features like:

  1. asynchronous queries
  2. connection pooling
  3. prepared statements
  4. batch inserts

These capabilities improve performance and flexibility when building apps backed by Postgres.

The driver handles tedious query execution details.

10. chi — HTTP Router

Chi provides a minimal and composable HTTP router built on top of net/http.

It offers expressive routing with decent performance and a simple API.

While less fully-featured than Gorilla Mux, Chi has a great simplicity that makes it nice for smaller services or rapid prototyping.

These 10 packages unlock key capabilities like routing, database access, authentication, and real-time communication.

By mastering these versatile libraries, you can dramatically improve your Go web development skills.

For even more great packages, explore curated lists like Awesome Go.

As you build more Go web apps, continue growing your personal toolkit with new libraries.

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Kuldeep Singh

Self-taught Programmer | AI enthusiast | Working as Subject Matter Expert | programmingeeksclub.com